Genesis Armenia team meets with the Minister of Labour, Social and Resettlement Affairs in Artsakh

To develop and carry out projects one should have a clear-cut understanding of the labour market demands. In Artsakh we also met with the Deputy Minister of Labour, Social and Resettlement Affairs, Aram Verdyan.

The employer is unaware of the specialists in the labour market and the specialist is unaware of the labour market supply. The war has left its mark on this sphere too. The Deputy Minister said that in order to fill that gap in the labour market the Ministry is going to create a consolidated platform including both specialists’ and employers’ data.

The next meeting was at the Artsakh Investment Fund. After the war a decision was made by the Fund to review its working toolkit and directions. According to the Deputy Director of the Fund, Mher Mkhitaryan, now they mainly focus their efforts on the fields of construction and agriculture providing financial support to small and medium projects. Besides, by redeployment they provide mortgage support to the displaced people from Artsakh.

Genesis Armenia Project Managers and the representatives of the Artsakh Investment Fund are ready to support each other in order to rebuild and make Artsakh prosperous step by step.