People Living Near the Border Have Two Means To Fight Against the Enemy: Weapons and Education

People living near the border have two means to fight against the enemy – weapons and education.

Last week, we visited the secondary school of Berdashen village in the Martuni region of Artsakh. On the occasion of the Book Giving Day, we bought stationery and books for the students.

In a school with 182 students, they are unfamiliar with fear. Regardless of the enemy being close and having them in its crosshairs, school life is active here. And after classes, the favorite corner of the village children is the Armath Laboratory in the school.

We took the next box of books to the secondary school of Sos village in Martuni. Although the school has switched to remote learning because of the pandemic, the teachers promised to have a close look at the books with the students, as soon as they returned to school.

On our way back, we stopped off in Nerkin Khndzoresk village in Syunik. We donated a much-needed computer and books to the secondary school and got acquainted with the problems of the school. We’ve promised to return.