How can a state that fails to maintain its own territorial integrity bring peace to the region? Discussion titled “Security of the Republic of Armenia: Ways Out of the Global Collapse.”

“Shurnukh and Vorotan are already in complete isolation,” said the founder of the Genesis Armenia Think Tank and Foundation Abraham Gasparyan, Associate Professor and Candidate of Political Science, during the “Security of the Republic of Armenia: Ways Out of the Global Collapse” discussion held at Genesis Armenia.

When asked by Gasparyan why and how the country found itself in this situation, head of Genesis Armenia’s Security Sector Tevan Poghosyan said that in normal countries there are laws that everyone must obey.

“We have a law on the RA state border, which has not been in force since May 12, and no one is held accountable. On the contrary, they accept that the enemy has occupied an area of 4-5 km, and they still do nothing. There is no respect for the law, no respect for political speech, no respect for orders. The RA Minister of Defense announces that from now on, in the event of any incident, the enemy must be destroyed on the spot, and still nothing happens. This means that the minister should not be removed from his post, but should rather leave it voluntarily, because his orders are not being carried out,” said Poghosyan.

Speaking about the era of peace in the region, political scientist Suren Petrosyan asked, “How can a state that is unable to maintain its own territorial integrity bring peace to such a difficult region?” “These myths must be eliminated, and people must be clearly told that if they want to exist, they need to forget about peace for two or three generations. In other words, we need to ensure and guarantee our security ourselves,” said Suren Petrosyan.

According to political scientist Hrant Melik-Shahnazaryan, after the defeat, work needs to be carried out with the society.

“We’re asking ourselves why the society does not react to everything that is happening. The answer is clear: the society is still in shock, it does not understand what is happening. At the same time, the flow of lies that there will be an era of peace does not stop.”

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