Artsakh lives and we are next to Artsakh.

Artsakh lives and we are next to Artsakh. During our one-year operation, we have been in almost every corner of the second Armenian republic – from Stepanakert to Martuni, from Sos to Varanda and Taghavard.

During the year, we made more than 10 visits to Artsakh. We visited Artsakh State University and discussed with Rector Armen Sargsyan and the teaching staff the strategic project that became a reality months later.

The Genesis Armenia team also discussed the social-economic problems of Artsakh with  the Artsakh ARF Central Committee members.

Furthermore, we met with Lusine Gharakhanyan, the ESCS Minister of Artsakh, to discuss the challenges facing education after the war, and the possible cooperation with Genesis Armenia.

In Stepanakert, the representatives of the Business and Agriculture sectors of Genesis Armenia met with the Artsakh business community, and visited a winery.

The intellectual capital of Artsakh must remain in the homeland: during our visits, we met with the representatives of the “I” foundation of Martuni. At the crux of the foundation’s activities, lies the IT sector, and the target is the youth.

We identified all the issues and after returning to Yerevan, got to work.