a bakery was opened in the strategic village of Aghavno in Artsakh

Genesis Armenia Think Tank and Foundation summed up the year in Artsakh: a bakery was opened in the strategic village of Aghavno in Artsakh by the efforts of Genesis Armenia and UMCOR Charitable Foundation.

The bakery in Aghavno will provide jobs for ten to twelve people and improve the socio-economic situation, as well as the psychological atmosphere in the village.

According to Abraham Gasparyan, the founder of Genesis Armenia, the bakery will not be the only initiative of the foundation in Aghavno: people must continue to live in their homes and keep the gate to Artsakh strong.

Another sign will be posted at the entrance of Aghavno, renamed to Ariavan after the war, indicating the way to the village bakery, so that every person visiting Artsakh will by all means stop in Aghavno and make their own small contribution to the betterment of the village.