A tonir is built where people live and will live. Bakery opened in Aghavno

On December 19, a bakery built by the efforts of Genesis Armenia Think Tank/Foundation and UMCOR Charitable Foundation was opened in the village of Aghavno in Kashatagh region of Artsakh.

The bakery in Aghavno will provide jobs for 10 to 12 people and improve the socio-economic situation, as well as the psychological atmosphere in the village.

In the past, the residents of Aghavno used to buy bread from nearby towns, but now they will be able to provide bread not only for the entire Aghavno, but also for the neighboring villages.

According to Abraham Gasparyan, the founder of Genesis Armenia, the bakery will not be the only initiative of the foundation in Aghavno. “We are going to do everything to help the residents of Aghavno to stay in their own village, thus saving Aghavno, which is the gate to Artsakh” Gasparyan said.

The mayor of the Aghavno village Andranik Chaushyan assures that Aghavno will be prospering whatever the cost.

“There were days when we felt we were alone, but we are not really alone and have never been․ Genesis Armenia’s efforts for Aghavno are proof of that. The joining of honest and patriotic Armenians cannot fail. The gate of Artsakh – Aghavno – will stand strong if conditions are created for a normal life. I have five children, what am I going to tell them if I abandon my home and leave? I am not going to become an emigrant. I will stay in Aghavno until the end,” said the village head.

Everyone in the village is ready and willing to stay in Aghavno until the end․ One of the residents, holding her grandchild in her arms, says, “Even if the enemy is one meter away, and even if the road is handed over to them, we will stay in our village. Whom shall we leave our home to? We do not need, our children do not need a home in any other place other than Aghavno.”

Each of the Genesis Armenia members who visited Aghavno planted a fruit tree in the village, in anticipation of coming back․ They promised to visit Aghavno often to personally water and take care of the trees they had planted.

Another sign will be posted at the entrance of Aghavno, renamed to Ariavan after the war, indicating the way to the village bakery, so that every person visiting Artsakh by all means stops in Aghavno and makes their own small contribution to the betterment of the village.