Genesis Armenia is in Artsakh with educational, agricultural and business projects

We are in Artsakh for the first time after the war․ The long and difficult road brought us to Stepanakert.

The Genesis Armenia team made its first stop at Artsakh State University. We met with the rector of the university Armen Sargsyan and the teaching staff to present the project we intend to implement in cooperation with ArSU.

“After the war, it became even more obvious that we have a big gap: we do not master the regional languages properly,” said the founder of Genesis Armenia, candidate of political sciences and associate professor Abraham Gasparyan, adding that the think tank/foundation is ready to support ArSU with its staff base to fill that gap first through distance learning and afterward through in-class courses. The educational program will not only boost language learning, but will also help to analyze and predict the occurrence of regional events.

Genesis Armenia is also willing to help the university in bringing fundamental sciences into a more applied field.

These are just a few of our educational proposals. Genesis Armenia and ArSU appointed project managers to finalize the partnership details.

Today we were also hosted at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Arstsakh. Incidentally, Minister Lusine Gharakhanyan arrived at the meeting with us directly from Martakert, where the ministry had already undertaken a number of educational projects. The minister stated that although the war had left an indelible mark, inflicting heavy and painful losses on Artsakh, the country is now in the stage of recovery, and it is especially important in this period to establish effective cooperation with the Artsakh-centered structures.

“We are starting a new, bright path with Genesis Armenia,” said Lusine Gharakhanyan while presenting the educational problems in Artsakh.

At the end of the day, the members of the Business and Agriculture sectors at Genesis Armenia met with the business representatives of Artsakh to discuss the problems faced by the economy and agriculture in post-war Artsakh and agreed to create a body to coordinate the joint actions.