Genesis Armenia: The Consolidation of Pan-Armenian Intellectual Capacity Launched

Abraham Gasparyan, Candidate of Political Science, YSU Associate Professor, heralded the launch of the consolidation of Pan-Armenian intellectual capacity, announcing that the initiative has a logo and name – Genesis Armenia.

“‘Genesis’ is a Latin word, meaning ‘origin, source, and beginning’. Genesis Armenia would symbolise the beginning of the creation of a new, strong, secure, armed with knowledge, competitive and promising Armenia,” Gasparyan stated.

Genesis Armenia is a non-party affiliated Armenia-centered initiative, mainly functioning on voluntary basis and funded by fundraisings and donations. It will consolidate our compatriots’ scientific and analytical capacity, worldwide networks and logistics capabilities. Being a unified platform, it will serve Armenians and Armenia all over the world.


According to Gasparyan, short-term, medium-term and long-term strategies will be developed within the framework of the initiative. Afterwards, professional groups will start discussions. Negotiations with public and private sectors will be held in parallel.  

The author of the initiative answered the most frequently asked questions – who is the real author of the initiative, who stands behind Abraham Gasparyan, who sponsors him, ‘whose man’ is Abraham, is it a political project of a PR technology?


“The real and the only author of the initiative is Abraham Gasparyan… My support is my family – my wife, my brother, my mother, my sister, my friends, and my colleagues at ArmNews TV. My father has passed away, and I have sworn by his grave, by my son’s head, by the blood of my dead friends – the young men resting in Yerablur (Military Pantheon). I say it, so that the insane, who float in the swamp of ignorance and serve as a handkerchief in the hands of their masters, do not dare to gossip about the three things sacred to me. They are my father’s grave in my piece of the Homeland, my elder son’s life, and my dead friends’ blood…my political analysis, public speaking, uncorrupted past and present, my honest speech,” Gasparyan stated.


According to Gasparyan, within 25 days before the launch of the initiative, a preliminary concept has been developed, networking opportunities have been researched, a database has been formed, and a database security system management has been developed.

More than 2 000 people decided to join the initiative, sending about 1 500 resumes, hundreds of projects, proposals and programs within a month.

The formation of the group of sectoral coordinators is about to be completed thanks to dozens of meetings. Working groups have been formed in the Middle East, the USA, South America, Europe, and Russia within the framework of Genesis Armenia. As for the technical-organisational issues, translations, as well as providing feedback, the ‘detachment’ of volunteers, which is daily replenished with new members, has dealt and will deal with it. The very ‘detachment’ of volunteers provided the perfect organisation of the presentation of Genesis Armenia attended by about 600 guests.

Thanks to Russia-based businessman Samvel Vardanyan, Genesis Armenia’s office will start functioning in the beginning of 2021. website is being developed, its initial version is already available to users. The logo of the initiative, the symbolic colors and the visual presence at the presentation became possible thanks to TUMO Design Studio.