Genesis Armenia visits the “I” Educational Foundation in Martuni

The economical and educational components lie at the crux of Genesis Armenia’s Artsakh projects.

This time again we visited the “I” Educational Foundation in Martuni. It was the first time that we met with the new beneficiaries of the Foundation. They have just become a member of the “I” family and are now in the “Discovery” stage in order to understand which of the 4 projects of the Foundation they will participate in. Robotics, Design, Marketing and Programming are the fields in which the young people will become proficient.

During our meeting, it turned out that just like the previous time, the programmers’ group is going to be the greatest.

By the way, 3 of the young people have already created an online platform, through which it will be possible to do online shopping in Martuni. That is to say, they will serve as a bridge between the seller and the buyer. The boys promised that during our next visit the website will already be much more tangible and we will be able to buy something from Artsakh through it.

This time we didn’t meet with the students of the previous group of the Foundation, but we continue our work with them. A member of Genesis Armenia volunteer community, an educator and an English language specialist, Torgom Ter-Mkrtchyan teaches TOEFL for free to the members of that group. By the way, we happened upon one of those students in Artsakh; we will write about that meeting in our next posts.

Artsakh’s intellectual capital must remain in Artsakh; once again we made sure that it will remain there; the young people assured us.