Homeland starts with its borders. In 2021, we visited four provinces in the RA and various settlements in Artsakh

Homeland starts with its borders, and no matter how indistinct this border is today, one thing is clear. It neither starts from Yerevan, the capital, nor ends in Yerevan. With this in mind, in 2021, Genesis Armenia undertook regional visits to talk to residents, to identify problems and above all, to come up with solutions to them.

In 2021, we visited four provinces in the RA and various settlements in Artsakh. 

We started our visits from the village of Zar in Kotayk province, where the major issue was that of drinking water. During the delicious apricot harvest period, we were in Aragatsotn province, where we got an idea of the issues facing the village, the central of which was again the drinking water issue, and considered the possibilities of cooperation. At the end of our visit, we savored the delicious harvest of the province.

The most emotional and multifaceted visit was the one to Tavush province that began with our visit to Bishop Bagrat, the Primate of Tavush Diocese. Bishop Bagrat affirmed that we can’t take offense at our homeland, and we should work hard for the future  victory. We visited village schools in Tavush province, gave out gifts of books and stationary, went to preschools that were right at the enemy’s gunpoint, talked to the residents, and met with community leaders.

We ended our 2021 regional visits with Gegharkunik province. Here again there was no lack of problems, the most urgent of which is the lack of irrigation system and unemployment among the population. In a region rich in picturesque corners of nature, there are a lot of places that, on closer inspection, can be made tourist destinations. This is the way to invigorate life in the province and solve the unemployment problem for part of the population.

In 2022 too, regional settlements will be under our attention and care.