“Mukhabarat” – the Alawite formula on Syrian security”: Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor, Abraham Gasparyan’s book launch took place.

On December 29, book launch of “Mukhabarat” – the Alawite formula on Syrian security”  by Abraham Gasparyan, Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor and the Founding Director of Genesis Armenia Think Tank and Foundation, took place.

The scientific work presents Syrian security structures and issues concerning security policies. According to Gasparyan, Syria’s military-political security lies on the shoulders of the 4 structures of security “square”, which in their turn, have hundreds of subgroups and sub-branches. The powers of the security system “Mukhabarat” are interconnected, which has caused institutional crisis in the country.

The author studied “Mukhabarat” with a clear scientific methodology, which enables us to understand the nature of Syrian civil-military relations and the mechanisms of security and intelligence services.

“A country, having such powerful security structures, fell everyway into the trap of Turkey. Armenia that is going to establish relations with Turkey must closely study the experience of Syria and other countries of the Middle East in order not to walk into the trap of creeping neo-Ottomanism,” said Abraham Gasparyan.

Speakers of the meeting, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Ruben Melkonyan and Candidate of Historical Sciences, Armen Petrosyan, found the work important both in the context of the opportunity of getting deep knowledge about the Syrian state and of applying this knowledge in Armenia’s foreign policy.

“The book gives answers to a number of important questions, but especially now it’s absolutely essential for Armenia to understand how the Assad regime managed to resist the geopolitical pressures and conflict of interests,” said Armen Petrosyan.

According to Ruben Melkonyan, the book is not only for the professional community but also for every worried and concerned citizen. “The work gives us an opportunity to observe the experience of Syrian-Turkish relations and to understand how the Syrian security system worked with the Turkish hard and soft power. And the latter is extremely important for Armenia, given the agenda of the authorities about normalizing relations with Turkey. In the near future, our state and our society will face the enormous pressure of Turkish soft power. In this respect, the book should also be a manual on state and security structures,” said Melkonyan.

The book was bound with innovative methods: in the link section you can find QR codes that will take you to the sources of scientific articles and documents mentioned in the book.

All proceeds from the book sales will go to the implementation of the educational program initiated by Genesis Armenia, which is to fund the IT course for the soldiers disabled during the 44-day war.