“Ukraine has become the formation center of the East-West bipolar world, the world map and a new security architecture,”  said the founder of the Genesis Armenia Think Tank and Foundation Abraham Gasparyan, Associate Professor and Candidate of Political Science, during the “Russia-Ukraine conflict: the economic and geopolitical consequences” discussion held at Genesis Armenia.

According to him, the logic of being a sovereign state has changed in the 21st century. “A state can be sovereign and make its own decisions only after the great powers get on the same page about the rules of a “common” game. For instance, Armenia was to play the role of the vanquished in this war, the army shouldn’t become a factor. Therefore, authorities of clowns were brought to power, and the rest of the issues were settled through political PR,” said Gasparyan.

According to the political scientist, Russia has started the war after precisely working out all its steps.

“When a state like Russia launches a war, it can never tell its people something to the effect that whatever happens, we will never consider ourselves defeated. Which means that Russia has mapped out all its steps: for example, Russia had reckoned with the possibility of being cut off from SWIFT and had definitely developed alternatives. And, for example, Western intervention in the Russia-Ukraine war automatically conduces to the Russia-China alliance formation, which, of course, does not serve the US interests,” said Gasparyan.

According to Abraham Gasparyan, through this war the Russian authorities are also dealing with some serious problems in their own country. “Let’s raise a question about the property of the oligarchs within the Russian political elite: if we add up the riches of 10 EU and NATO member state leaders, the sum will not amount to one Russian oligarch’s property. Putin will also use this war to purge his own system of the oligarchic elements, because the claim that Russia is putting forward today, is much more serious than territorial ambitions towards Ukraine,” he said.

As regards Armenia, Abraham Gasparyan mentioned that it was with Russia’s blessing and consent that the window for normalization of Armenia-Turkey relations had opened.

All the events from the Armenia-Azerbaijan war to the post-war matters, have been taking place under the patronage of Russia. Russia has taken on a task to counteract the American neoliberal ideology, thus propounding a new formula for state formation based on national identities, which will include Russia, China, Iran, India and Turkey.

In this context, our positions are being undermined even more,” emphasized Gasparyan.

Details in the video.